7 συμπεριφορές που διώχνουν πελάτες
Ποιες συμπεριφορές απογοητεύουν και διώχνουν πελάτες;
Τι θα πρέπει να προσέξετε για να γίνετε περιζήτητοι;
Ποιες συμπεριφορές απογοητεύουν και διώχνουν πελάτες;
Τι θα πρέπει να προσέξετε για να γίνετε περιζήτητοι;
Γιατί δυσκολεύομαι τόσο να βρω πελάτες; Τι κάνω λάθος και δεν το αντιλαμβάνομαι; Η απάντηση στο πιο συχνό ερώτημα ενός creative freelancer.
Δεν είναι λίγες οι φορές που αισθανόμαστε κουρασμένοι, μπλοκαρισμένοι ή απογοητεύμενοι, χωρίς διάθεση για δουλειά.
Αυτό που χρειαζόμαστε είναι ένα διάλειμμα και όχι να παρατήσουμε την προσπάθειά μας.
We’re discussing with Alex Mathers, a coach, speaker, writer and illustrator, who always feels like a beginner, about creativity, productivity, inspiration, content creation and freelance business promotion.
He shares with us his secrets and shortcuts to success and what he’s proud of.
He also reveals his weaknesses and what he struggles with.
An inspiring and insightful interview that most creatives will find extremely helpful.
I was invited on The Freelancer School podcast to talk about successful freelancing.
We had an interesting conversation with Mike Volkin about the common pain points (creative) freelancers have and what’s keeping them from achieving their goals and dreams.
Can we increase our creativity and productivity by changing our office design and decoration?
Is it possible to reduce stress only by choosing the right elements and colors for our work-space?
Recent studies indicate it definitely is possible.
Whether you are a passionate blogger earning or anticipating to earn money from your blog or an entrepreneur who owns/does not own a blog — this article applies in both situations.
When you’re heading for success, you follow the same rules!
What you shouldn’t overlook while dealing with clients?
Learn about your silent assistant that sells before you even say a word.
You read about them, hear about them, but never really meet them.
You probably have had a few great experiences with your clients. But those fantastic human beings, who will instantly fall in love with your work and cannot wait to hire you – just haven’t appeared yet.
Where ‘dream clients’ are hiding?
If you’re into writing, you’ve probably been in this uncomfortable situation more than once — also known as writer’s block, feeling stuck and unable to find what to write about. This post is full of secrets on how to never run out of ideas.
You are doing a great job. Your working hours seem countless.
You certainly deserve more money and respect. This is what most of the blog posts you read are telling you, right?
Then, how come you don’t get what you’re really worth?
The true story of my daily routine during the last 26 months: facts, thoughts, and habits that made the last 2 years extremely creative and productive.
Making money as an artist definitely is possible, but it implies a lot of hard work and a long-term strategy.
The 3-year psychotherapy sessions had positive effects in every aspect of my life, both personal and professional. The impact was so huge that I now divide my life into before and after psychotherapy.